Why good UX is important for accessibility

Jon Woodcock
2 min readJan 9, 2023


Image shows a brick wall with an accessbility sign.
Photo by Daniel Ali on Unsplash

As UX designers, our ultimate goal is to create products and services that are easy and enjoyable to use for everyone. An inclusive design approach is crucial to achieving this goal. An accessible product or service relies on good user experience (UX), as it determines how easy or difficult it is for users to use it. In other words, a product with poor UX can be frustrating and confusing for all users, but for users with disabilities, it can be even more problematic and may make it impossible for them to use the product at all.

By designing the product in a way that is easy to use for users with disabilities, good UX can make a product more accessible to them. For instance, a website with a good UX will have clear and concise text, easy-to-use navigation, and a consistent layout. This allows users with visual impairments to navigate the site more easily and quickly find information.

It is important to note that inclusive design is not just about catering to those with disabilities. Rather, it is about creating products that can be used by everyone regardless of their physical abilities, age, language, or cultural background. A good example of inclusive design is the curb cut, which was initially designed to assist wheelchair users but has since become a standard feature in urban design, benefiting parents with strollers, people with luggage, and skateboarders alike.

Overall, good UX is crucial for accessibility because it helps ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can use a product or service efficiently and effectively. Inclusive design is not only the right thing to do but also makes good business sense, as it can lead to increased user satisfaction, engagement, and revenue.

Thank you for reading, and I hope this message has provided you with some useful insights on the importance of inclusive design for UX designers.

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Jon Woodcock

Senior UX Designer ✦ Creating thoughtful online experiences ✦ Accessibility advocate ✦ Neurodivergent ✦ Sharing my thoughts about UX and research